Dreaming: A Modern Myth

by G-Fort

Sleeping seemed like the most impossible thing to do. Even though the room wasn’t hot, I was sweating. Everytime I shut my eyes flashes of my childhood seemed to flash before my eyes. Julian had told me that locating my mother would take him at least a week but whoever had her could do anything with the world with that amount of time. The most frustrating thing about the whole situation was that i couldn’t even go look for her, unless i wanted to be killed by all mighty gods. I found the whole rule about god’s having children was pretty stupid and it was full on discrimination, how was it fair that minor gods could have kids when the more popular ones weren’t. This thought seemed to occupy me enough to make me tired, before i knew it my eyes shut and i fell into the darkness.

 Yeah that only lasted a second. I was instantly in a dream, or at least that’s what was happening. It felt like my body was there but at the same time not. My location of my dream was definitely a place I had never been to. The room itself was grandiose, maroon curtains stretched up to the ceiling where a diamond chandelier hung, there were paintings on the wall that each had a couple, both of them had stern faces they didn’t look like nice people.

  My admiration of the place was halted when I heard a strong and powerful voice yell.  The scene changed all of sudden and the scene displayed before me was something that overload made my blood boil. Before me was my mother her long hair was disheveled and sprawled all over her face, she was in a gold cage that resembled one you would keep a bird in. Her face was calm but you could tell she was scared. There was a man in a black tailored suit, he looked like he would be the calmest man like a professional business man but his hair was also a mess and he was yelling.

   “Where is she, Demeter!”

He yelled at my mother this question over and over. My mother’s stern face never broke she just continued to stared at him like he was a mad man, which is what he looked like.

   “I know you hid her”

He cursed at her over and over, and my mom was slowly losing her composure, finally she snapped and yelled at him with such a loud voice it shook the room.

 “I have no clue what you’re talking about Hades! My daughter has been with you! That is the deal we’ve had, the same agreement for centuries!”

 “You’re lying Demeter! You’ve never wanted me and your daughter together apparently,” Hades yelled

“Of course I hated your relationship with my daughter, you kidnapped her!”

They argued like that forever, They didn’t seem to notice that i was there so I could assume I really was there in dream form. The scene started to blur and I could tell I was waking up. I took one last glance at them and the room seemed to be crowded by overgrowing thorn bushes, before the entire scene blurred and I woke with a start. I jumped out of bed and bolted toward my aunt’s room because i knew exactly who had my mom and I was going to get her back one way or another.