Balzano’s class has a project every year where we bring in something that means something to us.  Then we write a poem about it.  You’d be surprised how many times the poem has to do with a sports moment.

Here are a few:

Hitting the Wall by Curtis

The Feeling To Be In A Losing Situation Is Not A Good Feeling,

Hearts Pounding From The Stands Like A Wall Being Hit Multiple Times,

Clock Ticking Down Sounding Like Water Dripping From The Faucet,

Qb Drops Back And Throws

It’s Like Timed Slowed Down Watching The Ball Move In The

And Then It Happened It Disappeared Into The Opponent’s Hands And Was Took To The House,

Hearts Broking Like There Being Dropped,

Bones Broken From The Hard Work Put In,

Coaches Saying We Tried Our Best,

Another Season Put To Rest.


Mvp Wish  by JP

My medal is black and gold with little stars.

I wish I was the Mvp with the championship trophy.

I was close to get that far.

Even though we were the champions.

I was mad when I didn’t to get Mvp of the game.

The person that got Mvp got all the fame.

Even though it’s ugly.

I’m still thankful for it.

I was joyful at the end of the game.

Even though I couldn’t find my shot with with basketball in my hand.

I had to get my aim.

I know my shot is wet.

I know i’m going to make it rain.


In the Clouds by Dakota

It’s perfect, nothing wrong with it

like great memories of my team,

Also like the dreams we have been dreaming

when we were gleaming,

But the season has dramatically ended

such as some of the obstacles I have attended,

It reminds me when my dad left me at a young age

and I felt I was trapped in a cage

but it turns to happiness since he came to my game,

Then I must add it to accomplishments

with the plaque as champions,

My family was proud

then I was up in the clouds

for me continuing on the generations of the sport,

The gold makes me feel as a winner

like when I help someone in need

Or when I do a good deed.